Expand the walls of your classroom and make cross-curricular connections with the Museum’s FREE webinar series. Students have the opportunity to interact with authors, historians, and Museum experts to explore a broad array of topics that bring WWII history to life. No special technology needed, thousands of students can connect to the Museum at once simply via their classroom computer to view live, interactive programs that immerse students in history.
Join us on Zoom for any of our FREE webinar programs during the school year! Find more information on our Events Calendar here. Programs are added on a rolling basis, so be sure to check back for updates and to register for these upcoming programs.

Distance Learning Program Archive
Explore the Museum’s library of past distance learning programs, now available to view on demand.

The Journey of Jewish Americans: World War II and the History of Jewish Immigration
When: February 22, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Learn about the history of Jewish immigration to America, the long-term consequences of the 1924 Immigration Act, and the impact of World War II on immigration policy in this free virtual teacher workshop.